救いの三本柱(三救)Three Pillars of Salvation

ようこそ。Three Pillars of Salvation 『三救』へ。 メシヤ様のご精神である御教えを中心において、⦿浄霊⦿自然農法⦿芸術による救いを、現代に伝える取り組みを進め、その恩恵を享受できる人々が一人でも多く集える世界、地上天国建設を目指してまいりたいと思います。ご愛読いただければ幸いです。 Welcome to Three Pillars of Salvation. Messiah's spirit is found in Messiah's book and discourse. It is basics of the teaching. We will use the salvation of "jhorei", "natural farming" and "art" in the modern world. We want as many people as possible to receive the benefits of God. The world where such people gather is "heaven on earth". We aim to become such a world. I hope you read this blog.

